Wednesday 28 August 2013

Key Science Questions

Throughout our Science unit on Space, these are the following questions we will be attempting to answer:

Why is the sun important?
How do shadows change throughout the day?
How does the Earth move in our solar system?
What causes night and day and the seasons?
How does the moon appear to change shape?
What is the effect of the moon on Earth?
Why is it that sometimes we can’t see the sun or moon?
What is a tide?
The phases of the moon

Sunday 25 August 2013

Spelling sound this week oo

Literacy Planet usernames

These are your usernames for a Literacy Planet trial.  Write it down and keep it on the fridge at home.  Use your password for RAZ and Spelling City to enter.

Dictation week 8

Mr Wood’s Lawn Mowing- 8
Mrs Wood explained to Mr Wood that on Saturday he should mow the lawn.  When Saturday came around Mr Wood couldn’t be bothered.  Later Mrs Wood asked why the lawn hadn’t been mowed.  Mr Wood explained that he would have mowed the lawn if he could, but the mower needed repairs.  Luckily for Mr Wood, his wife believed his ‘would if I could’ story.

Saturday 17 August 2013

What's on this week!

Monday-       Sprints heats- afternoon session
Tuesday-       Author visit- afternoon session 1:30-2:30
Wednesday- 12:00- 200m and 800m running- 9 years only 
                      War Cry practice- afternoon session
Thursday-     Book Week Parade- first session
                      Library visit- middle session
                      Indonesian poster due
                      Space Jump performance- afternoon session
Friday-          Sports carnival

Everything else will remain the same- Specialist lessons, homework due etc.

What a busy week!

Friday 16 August 2013

Dictation- week 7

A walking stalk- 7
The stalk of a plant wanted to go for a walk.  He felt lonely and wanted to walk and talk to other stalks.  But the poor stalk was attached to branches and roots.  Even though he wished to walk and talk to other stalks, the stalk was stuck and could not leave.  What a poor lonely stalk.

Sunday 11 August 2013


Make your own way to remember the order of the planets
Find out your weight on the different planets
Write a postcard home from the moon
Watch the Sun, Earth, Moon videos and take notes
Complete the Shadows in the sky assessment on Scootle
Write a description for your alien
Complete the Solar System fill in the blanks page.
Make an alien mask
Sort the space words into common nouns, proper nouns, verbs, adverbs and prepositions
Label a diagram that shows how the Earth revolves around the sun and how the moon revolves around the Earth.
Make your dictionary of Space words.  Include a picture to match.
Rotation, orbit, axis, astronaut, moon, solar system, star, shuttle, atmosphere, comet, constellation, crater, eclipse, galaxy, Milky Way, meteor, satellite
Complete the Space Fun Book
Your weight on other planets
Your age on other planets

Creation Story

Gospel Project

Friday 9 August 2013

Space Links

Space School

Clown drawing

Dictation week 6

Ignoring Club Rules- 6
An umpire stupidly ignored the club rules.  Without knocking on the team’s door, the umpire charged into the clubroom to collect the scorecard.  As the team was exiting the door, they collided with the umpires forearm.  The umpire fell to the floor in agony.  The poor umpire’s forearm was sore.  He was rushed to first aid so that they could explore what had happened to his forearm and hopefully return it to how it was before.